Evidence for Impact

Evidence For Impact

The Global Alliance is focused on compiling evidence from the SBCC field of work. As such, it has designed a database structured around the Sustainable Development Goals that makes available current research demonstrating the uses and effectiveness of SBC programs. The database is intended to be useful to project designers who appreciate what the latest data have to say about SBC techniques and their outcomes; to organisations approaching funders and needing to have the latest data available pertinent to the kinds of work they do in their specific regions; and to academics who may wish to survey the state of the art for both methodological and theoretical developments. Research reviews drawn from the database are used in preparing policy briefs to be distributed to policymaking bodies and employed by member organisations in fundraising and advocacy efforts.

More information on the database is available here

Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Policy Briefs are developed using the Evidence for Impact database, which is a valuable tool is only available for use by our Member organisations.

SDG 13 (Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts): This policy brief, “Media’s untapped potential in the climate crisis: The case for media interventions to engage and motivate”, pulls from a recent review of social and behaviour change-focused literature found in the Evidence for Impact database. The policy brief highlights evidence on how interventions that use media – mass, social, and digital (including games) – can support individuals and communities to take action to combat climate change and its impacts.